DR Congo: Situation épidémiologique du choléra et autres maladies diarrhéiques en RDC Semaine 10, 20

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Sources: Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, World Health Organization Please refer to the attached Infographic.

DR Congo: West and Central Africa: 2024 Regional Funding Status - General Overview

26.03.2024 19:20 Countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Niger, Nigeria Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Please refer to the attached Infographic.

DR Congo: West and Central Africa: 2023 Regional Funding Status - General Overview

26.03.2024 19:20 Countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Niger, Nigeria Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Please refer to the attached Infographic.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Internally displaced persons and returnees, February 2024

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Please refer to the attached Infographic. Since the beginning of 2024, nearly 358,000 people have been displaced in the DRC, bringing the total number if IDP around 7.1 million. Women are 51% of the displaced population. More than 80% of displacement is caused by armed conflict. North Kivu and Ituri are the provinces that have seen more IDP returns in the last three months.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Humanitarian Response Plan 2024

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Please refer to the attached file. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of Africa’s largest internal displacement crises, with 22 percent of the population acutely food insecure due to increased armed conflict and the impact of climate hazards. Emergency agricultural interventions offer cost‑effective solutions. For example, with a USD‑80 market gardening package, a family can quickly produce a variety of nutritious vegetables, worth USD 480 on the local market, improving their self‑reliance. Urgency of humanitarian agricultural assistance Despite being rich in natural resources, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is still one of the five poorest countries in the world, with nearly 1 in 6 Congolese living in extreme poverty. And although the country’s economy relies heavily on the agriculture sector, employing a majority of women, it fails to ensure the population’s food security. Over 20 years of armed conflict and climate extremes such as floods – about 20 episodes recorded between 2010 and 2022 – continue to exacerbate food insecurity and malnutrition. Other key factors include crop diseases and poor access to agricultural inputs, leading to reduced production. In addition, recurring measles, cholera epidemics and persistent population movements are causing increased levels of malnutrition, with 1 in 15 children in the country acutely malnourished. In 2024, the humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo will continue including high levels of acute food insecurity. With over 21.8 million people in IPC Phase 3 or above living in rural areas, providing vulnerable households with time-sensitive agricultural support is fundamental to the humanitarian response.

UNHCR urges immediate action amid heightened risks for displaced in eastern DR Congo

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Matthew Saltmarsh – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today’s press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. UNHCR, the UNHCR Refugee Agency, is raising the alarm as ongoing violence in eastern areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo reaches a devastating level. Two years of cyclical conflict in the North Kivu territories of Rutshuru and Masisi have forced over 1.3 million people to flee their homes within the DRC, leading to a total of 5.7 million people becoming internally displaced across North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri provinces. Since violent clashes enveloped the town of Sake, in Masisi territory, on 7 February, almost 300,000 people have arrived in the city of Goma and its surroundings, swelling spontaneous and official displacement sites as they desperately seek shelter from indiscriminate bombing and other human rights abuses. Conditions are dire as growing needs for shelter, sanitation and livelihood solutions outstrip available resources. A further 85,000 people have fled the same violence and sought shelter in the Minova region of South Kivu. In January, the town of Minova already hosted over 156,000 displaced people, with the majority living in makeshift shelters. The deeply troubling trend of the increased use of heavy artillery in the conflict continues amid reports of bombings targeting civilian locations in Minova. The shelling of a commercial centre on 20 March killed a displaced woman and injured at least three others, including two children. Reports of indiscriminate bombings in Sake and Goma over recent weeks, which killed more than 30 people and injured at least 80, are also concerning, as is the threat of unexploded ordinance. UNHCR emphasizes the imperative of safeguarding civilians and upholding the civilian and humanitarian nature of displacement sites. The latest reports from UNHCR teams are alarming. Families continue arriving at sites traumatized and exhausted by the attacks, scarred physically and psychologically. Many report being abused – some sexually – during their flight. New arrivals find refuge in makeshift shelters in overcrowded sites, in schools and churches, or with host families, stretching their meagre resources. Worryingly, humanitarian partners have observed systematic incursions by armed groups into civilian structures like displacement sites, hospitals and health centres. In 2023, 25 schools were occupied by non-state armed groups in Masisi and Rutshuru territories alone, and a further 17 schools were attacked. In 2024, seven schools were destroyed by bombings. Looting of medicines and essential materials from health centres in recent weeks further hampered humanitarians’ ability to support displaced people. Hundreds of thousands have been identified as displaced behind frontlines in Masisi, Rutshuru and Nyiragongo territories, cut off from aid. The renewed violence means many children have been displaced, and a large number are now unaccompanied and exposed to grave risks and violations, including kidnapping, forced recruitment, mutilation and rape. In 2023, in North Kivu alone, there were 50,159 reported cases of gender-based violence, more than half of which were rape; 90 per cent of these victims were women and girls, while 37 per cent were children. UNHCR’s assistance to survivors of sexual abuse includes psychosocial support and referral to medical assistance, as well as work with displaced men. As the violence continues and humanitarian access is further hindered, risks for displaced and civilian populations are multiplying. UNHCR is calling for an immediate end to the violence and urges all parties to the conflict to respect and uphold international humanitarian law and human rights, and to protect civilians. A scaled-up humanitarian response in the eastern provinces between June and December 2023 reached more than 3.1 million people with life-saving assistance. UNHCR, with partners, provided emergency shelter to over 40,000 of the most vulnerable arrivals in Goma. The distribution of over 3,600 core relief item kits and 1,000 tarpaulins helped improve daily life for those outside planned sites. But this addressed only a small portion of those in desperate need. UNHCR remains deeply committed to supporting those affected in eastern DRC and urgently calls for concerted international action to address the crisis. UNHCR has received only 14 per cent of the $250 million required for its response in the DRC in 2024. The lack of funding threatens aid deliveries, exacerbating the region’s dire humanitarian crisis. For more information, please contact: In Kinshasa, Joel Smith, smithj@unhcr.org, +243 82 52 57 774 In Pretoria , Pumla Rulashe, rulashe@unhcr.org, + 27 82 377 5665 In Pretoria , Hélène Caux, caux@unhcr.org, + 27 82 376 5190 In Geneva, Matthew Saltmarsh, saltmars@unhcr.org, +41 79 967 99 36

DR Congo: République démocratique du Congo: Tableau de bord humanitaire

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Please refer to the attached Infographic.

DR Congo: République Démocratique du Congo : Personnes déplacées internes et retournées

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Please refer to the attached Infographic. Depuis le début de l’année 2024, plus de 358 000 personnes se sont nouvellement déplacées en RDC portant le total à environ 7,1 millions de personnes déplacées. Les femmes représentent 51% de la population déplacées. Plus de 80% des déplacements sont dus aux conflits armés. Au cours des 3 derniers mois, le Nord Kivu et l’Ituri sont les provinces où il y’a eu le plus grand nombre de retours de personnes anciennenement déplacées.

DR Congo: R.D. du Congo - Sud-Ubangi - Zone de santé de Budjala - Carte de référence

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: Médecins Sans Frontières Please refer to the attached Map.

DR Congo: R.D. du Congo - Nord-Ubangi - Zone de santé de Yakoma - Carte de référence

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: Médecins Sans Frontières Please refer to the attached Map.

DR Congo: R.D. du Congo - Kwango - Zone de santé de Panzi

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: Médecins Sans Frontières Please refer to the attached Map.

DR Congo: R.D. du Congo - DPS Equateur - Zone de santé de Lotumbé - Carte de référence

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: Médecins Sans Frontières Please refer to the attached Map.

DR Congo: R.D. du Congo - DPS Equateur - Zone de santé de Ingende - Carte de référence

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: Médecins Sans Frontières Please refer to the attached Map.

DR Congo: R.D. du Congo - Sud-Ubangi - Zone de santé de Bulu - Carte de référence

26.03.2024 19:20 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: Médecins Sans Frontières Please refer to the attached Map.

DR Congo: La variole simienne en République démocratique du Congo: Rapport de la Situation Epidemi

26.03.2024 10:30 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Sources: Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, World Health Organization Please refer to the attached file. Bas Uele, Nord-Ubangi, Sud-Ubangi, Mongala, Bas-Uele, Tshopo, Tshuapa, Sankuru, Kasai Oriental, Kasai, Kasai Central, Kwilu, Maindombe, Kinshasa, Equateur, Maniema, Sud-Kivu,Ituri CHIFFRES CLES 3941 CUMUL CAS SUSPECT 271 CUMUL DECES 6.9% LÉTALITÉ 668 ECHANTILLONS ANALYSEES 458 CAS CONFIRMEES 68.6% POSITIVITE CONTEXTE Le 16 décembre 2022, le ministre national de la santé publique, hygiène et prévention a déclaré par communiqué officiel une épidémie de variole simienne à l’échelle nationale en RDC à la suite d’une augmentation des cas suspects et des décès. En février 2023, le Centre des opérations d’urgence de santé publique a déclenché la coordination de la réponse contre la variole simienne par la mise en place du Système de Gestion de l’Incidents de la variole simienne. En 2023, un cumul de 14,626 cas suspects a été notifié avec 654 décès soit une létalité de 4,5%. L'augmentation des cas observés au cours de 2023 en RDC, ainsi que la transmission sexuelle nouvellement documentée au mois de mars dans certaines DPS et en juillet – septembre 2023 , confirment l'importance croissante de la transmission interhumaine de la variole simienne, y compris la transmission sexuelle. POINT SAILLANTS 360 nouveaux cas suspects et 7 nouveaux décès notifiés au cours de la SE10-2024. Le cumul des cas de la S1-S10-2024 est de 3941 cas suspects, 271 décès, soit une létalité de 6.9%. De S1-S10-2024, il y a eu un cumul de 458 cas confirmés de la variole simienne. 18 sur 26 Provinces et 118 sur 519 zones de santé ont rapportées au moins un cas suspect en 2024. 5 nouvelles ZS ont notifié des cas suspects au cours de la S10 Tenu de l’atelier de l’Élaboration du Plan National Intégré de Préparation et Réponse à l’épidémie de la Variole Simienne du 27 au 29 février 2024.


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