ReliefWeb: Updates by Country 04.05.2024 02:51 Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo Source: UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Please refer to the attached file. Kinshasa, May 03, 2024: The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Head of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Ms Bintou Keita, condemns in the strongest possible terms the bombing of displaced persons' sites in Lac-Vert and Mugunga on Friday. The attacks cost the lives of several civilians, including at least six children, and injured many others. The Head of MONUSCO presents her condolences to the families of the victims and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured. Ms Bintou Keita denounces this escalation of indiscriminate violence against civilians in North Kivu and reminds all parties to the conflict of their obligations under international law to protect and preserve the lives of civilians in all circumstances. The Special Representative calls on the Congolese authorities to take all necessary measures to bring to justice the perpetrators of these bombings, which are a flagrant violation of human rights and international humanitarian law and may constitute a war crime. She also calls on the parties to the conflict to guarantee the civilian character of all sites for displaced persons and to take appropriate measures to reduce the risks to the protection of civilians and to maintain humanitarian access. "I reiterate the call of the United Nations Secretary-General to all armed groups in Eastern DRC to cease all hostilities immediately, to lay down their arms unconditionally, and to join the Disarmament, Demobilisation, Community Rehabilitation and Stabilisation Programme ," Ms Keita said. The Special Representative reaffirms MONUSCO's unwavering commitment to supporting efforts to establish peace, security, and stability in the DRC, and calls on all parties concerned to work constructively to put an end to the violence and achieve a peaceful and lasting solution to the conflicts in the region.

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