How your feedback shapes the way we support open source software

10.02.2025 18:40 Over the past year, we’ve been busy gathering  your feedback on the redesign of our support portal. We want to make sure the portal meets your evolving needs, and delivers the best possible support experience for your open source software. Your insights drive us forward, and this year, we’ll focus on incorporating your valuable feedback while continuing to refine the experience.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS standard support is coming to an end – options for AWS Users

08.02.2025 00:51 As our recent blog post mentioned, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is reaching the end of its standard support period. This means the free version will no longer receive security updates. For AWS users, you have two options: upgrade to a newer LTS version or upgrade to Ubuntu Pro to expand the security maintenance and

Security in depth with Ubuntu: Mapping security primitives to attacker capabilities

07.02.2025 17:31 Cybersecurity is not about perfection. In fact, it’s more like a game of chess: predicting your opponent’s moves and making the game unwinnable for your opponent. Like chess players, attackers are always looking for an opening, probing for weaknesses, or waiting for you to make a mistake. Therefore, the best defense isn’t a single unbreakable

Canonical achieves ISO 21434 certification, strengthening automotive cybersecurity standards

06.02.2025 19:11 Certified cybersecurity processes to help safeguard next-generation connected vehicles Canonical is proud to announce it has achieved the ISO 21434 certification for its Security Management System, following an extensive assessment by TÜV SÜD, a globally respected certification provider. This milestone highlights Canonical’s leadership in providing trusted and reliable open source solutions for the automotive sector.

FIPS 140-3 certified modules now available for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

05.02.2025 21:00 New deployments should take advantage of the new FIPS 140-3 certified modules available with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Ubuntu available in Microsoft’s new WSL distribution format

05.02.2025 21:00 New format in Windows Subsystem for Linux makes adoption easier in enterprise environments by enabling image customization and deployments at scale

The role of FIPS 140-3 in the latest FedRAMP guidance

04.02.2025 22:50 Good news in the US federal compliance space. The latest FedRAMP policy relaxes past restrictions that prevented organizations from applying critical security updates.

How to reduce data storage costs by up to 50% with Ceph

03.02.2025 17:40 Canonical Ceph with IntelⓇ Quick Assist Technology In our last blog post we talked about how you can use Intel® QAT with Canonical Ceph, today we’ll cover why this technology is important from a business perspective – in other words, we’re talking data storage costs. Retaining and protecting data has an inherent cost based

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